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Scrubba Wash Bag-Smallest Washing Machine Without Electrical Power

When we're camping in the jungle sometimes we wash clothes in a nearby river, but how if your campsite away from the river, so it must be tired to get there. Therefore when camping you better bring a washing machine, but if you bring a washing machine as in general, it seems also impossible because its too large.

But recently heard a news there is a washing machine that claims the world's smallest, even if you see in the picture below, when folded the washing machine has the same size of softdrink cans. Wooow...!! this is awesome can you imagine if we could put a washing machine in a bag, and easy to carry anywhere.

Oops almost forgot the name of the smallest washing machine is the Scrubba Wash Bag. This washing device does not require electricity to operate, inside there are tools such as serrated rubbers, which is useful to remove dirt. 

The Scrubba Wash Bag made of a waterproof material and shaped like a pouch, it works like a washboard, but it will not squirt water everywhere. with this handy tool, we can wash anywhere, even inside a car, train or plane, when we're traveling far.


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