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AndyVision Robot-Easy Way to Check the Availability of Goods in Stores

Robot technology was developed to help some of the work of human, even been developed for homework so for those of you who have a lot of work outside the home, will be very helpful with the presence of robot technology.

Recently there is a new robotic technology, which is designed for those of you who have a shop, and has a name the AndyVision Robot. This robot was developed by the MIT Technology, and served to check the entire stock of goods in a shop then the results of these checks can be sent to an existing database.

The AndyVision Robot will immediately scan all the products on display, and if the goods are discharged or misplaced, then AndyVision can also tell the manager or owner of the store.

Maybe for you the owner of the store, and has many kinds of goods to be sold, although you are already noted in detail as human beings we sometimes forget, so the robot can help you and your employees work. With this robot, shoppers will be more easy to find stuff that they would buy, as well as find out if the stock is still available or not.
This project aims to develop robot technology in order to increase efficiency in stores, retail operations information, and assist in inventory management tasks, such as detecting items that are going out in the shop.


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