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Samsung MV900-Camera with Wi-Fi, Flip-Up Screen and Motion-Sensing Technology

Samsung Electronics, officially introduced the latest pocket cameras are equipped with smart features for convenience to its users, and known as the Samsung MV900F. This camera is the next generation of the MV800 series, and offers several new features which more innovative, and supported better specifications than its predecessor.

The Samsung MV900 uses a CMOS BSI sensor (backside illuminated) 16.3 megapixels which is superior in low light conditions, comes with a 25mm f/2.5 lens wide with 5X zoom optical, wider than the lens of the Samsung MV800 which is only 26mm. 

This camera is capable of producing an image with the blur and noise levels are very low, by doing the shoot three times in a sustainable manner, and then combined into one. Interestingly, the MV900F has a unique technology called the motion-sensing, how it works similar to the Kinect on Xbox 360, so by moving the hand without touching the camera, users can control the camera to take pictures of themselves simply by moving your hand up or down.

The Samsung MV900 come with flexible touch screen measuring 3.3" with AMOLED technology, equipped with Wi-Fi connecktivity, and also SMART LINK button to help you connect with other smart devices such as Smart TV, Blu-ray Player, tablet PC, smartphone or laptop.
With this camera users can also perform a variety of shooting angles are desirable because the flip-up screen can be moved up to 180 degrees. The Samsung MV900 will be released to the American market in August 2012 with a price tag of U.S. $ 349 in 4 trendy colors.


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