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Toyota Coms Ultra Compact Electric Vehicle

Most of the existing ultra-compact car has a capacity for two people, but Toyota Auto Body Co Ltd recently presented electric vehicles with a small size to a capacity of one passenger. This electric car has a name the Coms and has dimension of only 2475mm/2.4m(maximum length), 1.105mm/1.1m(width), 1505 mm/1.5m(height) and weighing approximately 400-420 kg.

According to some sources, the Coms in fact could say a four-wheeled motorcycle equipped with a frame and body as a car, so the users of this vehicle only requires a motorcycle license according to the traffic law in Japan. Interestingly, as an electric motor the users do not need to use a helmet when riding and keep protected from rain and sunlight.

Previously, the Coms have been exhibited at the Tokyo Motor Show five years ago as a concept car. Now, Toyota is ready to produce and will be priced approximately between 668 000 to 798 000 yen, but if already get price subsidies for environmentally friendly, it can be discounted.

The Coms launched in two types, namely the P-COM for personal use and B-COM for commercial/trade. Whereas when viewed from the performance, the Coms can cover a distance of 50 km for a single rechargeable battery and the maximum speed can reach 60 km/h(37 mph). The maximum power that can be generated is 5kW, at 250 Nm torque, and to recharge the battery it takes up to 6 hours.

This vehicle is less compact than the scooter, but offers a wider luggage space that allows users to put things in its, and most importantly is environmentally friendly.


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