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Sharp Cocorobo-Vacuum Cleaner Robot that can Talk

News about the development of robot technology is very interesting to follow, because these devices can be said to be the world's most phenomenal, besides smart and also can help humans job automatically. Sharp one of the leading electronics companies has an advanced robotic vacuum cleaner called the Cocorobo, who can talk with its owner even can be used as security, so that makes it unique and different from other vacuum cleaners robot.

The Cocorobo able to clean the dusty place, because it is equipped with ultrasound sensors, and able to detect and prevent it crashing space objects and furniture, in addition it can also be used on the floor or carpet.

If users want to use the manual mode, this robot can be controlled through a smartphone that use the Android operating system or iOS, and automatic mode must be turned off. With this control mode, the Cocorobo can be used to search for items that fall under the couch or under the bed, through its 1.3 MP camera.

One thing that is very interesting from the Cocorobo, the robot is like have a feeling because more often you talk to him, then there will be a feeling of getting close to the robot, so it seems like a living organism or your pet.
The Cocorobo also equipped with Wi-Fi technology so when you are traveling, you can see the conditions in the home via a WIFI connection and camera to transmit images via the Internet, and the robot will serve as security.

Moreover the Cocorobo comes with 36 phrases and responses to answer questions owners, and based on several sources will be launched at a price range of $1.100 – $1.600.


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