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Hoverbike-a Motorcycle that Can Float in the Air

If you are a fan of Star Wars movies, you definitely know there is a vehicle similar to a motorcycle but can run floating in the air. This is of course just a fantasy in a fictional movie, but it fact this fantasy could become reality because of a news about a unique prototype motor that can be run with floating in the air.

This is very cool and also likely to be a future vehicle model, which may be one of the solution to traffic congestion. The name of this vehicle is Hoverbike and created by Chris Malloy, and able to fly and drove quickly like motors in general.

The principle works vanes replace the role of wheel and constructed by following the principles used by Chinook helicopter with tandem rotors. Both rotor blades rotate in opposite directions to eliminate the torque effects of both rotor.

The Hoverbike comes with 4 stroke engine capacity of 1170 cc, capable of delivering power up to 80 KW, capable of running up to 150 knots speeds or about 278 KM per hour, able to cover a distance of 160km on a single fuel, and more wonderful can fly up to 10,000 feet.

There is a handlebar that serves as a control for the direction, as well as to set the speed, and the right side grip served to increase thrust, while the left grip controls the angle of motor control for forward movement, up or back.
As a vehicle especially that can fly of course the Hoverbike also equipped with safety features such as two parachutes, in case if the motor propeller was damaged while in the air. According to Malloy, the motor can be used for various purposes ranging from search and rescue efforts in the disaster or accident, aerial surveys, filming, power line inspection, emergency services, etc.
Based on some information that has been circulated, the Hoverbike a very cool vehicle is likely to be launched at a price around $40,000.


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