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How to Care Flash Drive so not Easily Damaged

Flash drive is a device that we often use as a data storage medium. Probably a lot of people who like to use this device because its very practical and easy to carry anywhere, easy to add and remove data, so you could say the flash drive is one device that we must have for a variety of purposes.

But do you know the device is also easy to damage if you do not take good care, or wrong in the way we use, so if you have some very important data then you will be very loss.

Here are some things about the flash disk you need to know :
1. Flash drive usually can survive up to 10 years
2. Flash drive using Random Access Memory types that have no effect on the speed of access so defragment files is not required.
3. Reading speed is faster than writing
4. If you use a cable that is too long will be difficult to read
5. File system used is FAT/FAT32 and can be accessed anywhere, although it can be formatted with the type of operating system such as NTFS.
6. This device can be used if there is electricity obtained from the USB port, but sometimes there are some flash require larger electric current, so it should be directly plugged on the motherboard port.
7. usually the device is also very susceptible to the virus, even becoming one of the media that is very easy to spread the virus.

Here are some tips on caring for your flash drive so not broken easily
1. Keep it away from magnetic fields, example do not make it a habit to put the flash drive close to the speaker, because these devices have a high magnetic field.

2. Do not get used to open the file directly from the flash drive, better copy to a computer first then open the data or file. for example if you are playing a movie or song directly from the flash drive, the device will heat faster and easily damaged.

3. When you want to unplug the flash drive from the PC, you have to use the safely remove hardware applications, which usually exist in any operating system.

4. Virus scan routinely on flash drive with the latest antivirus. Virus will greatly affect the performance of the flash drive, and even sometimes can also lead to failure when running safely remove hardware applications.

5. Keep the flash drive from hot and cold temperatures excessive so that components are not damaged.

6. Keep away from water, although there are some manufacturers who claim their products is waterproof, but it will be better if we keep away.

7. Do not format the flash drive too often, because it can damage quickly and reducing the number of constraints remove write.

8. One thing is for sure and also applies to all objects, avoid collisions and do not slam, because as we know, everything will be easily broken if slammed.

Probably many some other tips that can be done, so the flash drive is not broken quickly, and if you want to add please write a comment below.


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