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How to Make Your Car More Fuel Efficient

Conserve gasoline is very important because this type of fuel likely to be increasingly scarce, even every few years the price has also increased, so the vehicle's fuel expenses will also increase. Moreover expenditure will also be noticeably larger, if our vehicles are wasteful of fuel due to several factors such as road traffic, modifications not perfect, and more.

Therefore there is need for attitude and some actions that prevent the fuel oil being quickly depleted or save fuel. There are some tips that can be applied to save fuel consumption, especially for the owners of private cars, and if you want to try, please read the following few simple tips.
1. Check the tires
less tire pressure can cause heavy car to drive, so it also affects fuel consumption, even less wind pressure may also cause the tire burst and the crash.

2. Maintenance
The main function of regular maintenance is to keep the vehicle in order to work optimally, including engine performance. In order for optimum engine performance, lubricants would need to be replaced so the ability to minimize friction between moving parts fixed maximum.

cleaning the air filter and spark plugs must be maintained. When both are dirty, certainly in the engine combustion process will be disrupted and the effect is a more wasteful fuel consumption.

3. Reduce the Burden of Unnecessary
while traveling sometimes unneeded equipment often carried in the car, so the burden will increase and the engine has to work extra for the additional weight. It would also make the fuel consumption in your car will be more

4. Use a good quality fuel
Using quality gasoline, it would be optimal engine performance and fuel consumption of your car will be more economical (read your car manual)

Fuel quality can also be made more perfect combustion in the combustion chamber and the effect is going to be minimal carbon pile, so it's time to overhaul the engine becomes longer.

5. Speed Control
More than 50% of the fuel is lost when the car was undertaking aerodynamics, or when speeding. Try to keep your speed to avoid going too fast. In addition to reducing the risk of accidents, you also save 25 percent of fuel at speeds below 100 km/h.

6. Check the exhaust emissions
Whether in your car engine much of the hydrocarbons (HC) and carbon monoxide gas (CO)?. When the content of these two elements is high, then certainly the combustion process in the engine does not run perfectly.

Much fuel is sucked into a space that is wasted, so that fuel consumption will exceed than in a normal car engine. How to overcome this is to clean the engine from the elements of it or take it to a repair shop to be repaired experts.

7. Note the speed to accelerate
Your engine will consume more fuel whenever your car starts running, try to step on the gas pedal slowly when you start driving.

8. Switching to alternative fuels
Maybe this way practically very potent, one of them is to use alternative fuels such as biodiesel or ethanol. but this way is better for you to consult and ask the mechanic, whether the fuel is in accordance with your car or not.


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