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In Paris the Renault Twizy EV will be Tested to be Efficient Vehicle for Firefighters

When there is a fire sometimes fire truck often delayed until the destination, so the delay is also often lead to more bad things. Some general factors that lead to delays in fire department until the goal is a traffic jam or perhaps the scene of the fire in areas with narrow streets.

May be one solution to this problem is to use a vehicle for firefighters with a smaller size, so making it easier to avoid traffic jams or road narrow. One of the latest news related with this case is there is an electric car called the Renault Twizy EV transformed into a vehicle for firefighters in Paris.

This electric car is intended to arrive at the site faster as first aid when there is a fire, because this vehicle has a small size making it easier to pass through a traffic jam or a narrow road. Even one thing that is also very interesting, although as a vehicle for firefighters, the Renault Twizy EV is also very environmentally friendly because it is an electric car.
On the back seat of the car has been emptied and replaced by the trunk containing various necessary tools ranging from fire extinguishers, oxygen tanks, fire suits, helmets and tools P3K. Based on multiple sources, this car will be tested in November for 8 months with the aim of creating a vehicle for firefighters are expected to be more efficient and of course also more environmentally friendly.

Maybe it is indeed very important, because sometimes we hear news of a fire, and firefighters late to the location because of a traffic jam and as we all know in general the firefighter vehicle also has large size making it easier to get stuck in a traffic jam, so when firefighters arrived at the fire location it's all too late. Hopefully this solution will be the best way, and could be followed by other regions. 
 (via Gizmag)


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