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Dynosphere-One Wheel Electric Vehicles in 1932

Maybe some of us think electric vehicle is a new technology that is more environmentally friendly, as well as solutions to the limitations of the fuel oil. But in fact, the assumption was wrong because much earlier in 1932 there was also an electric vehicle, known as the Dynosphere.

This vehicle was created by JH Purves and carries a much more unique design than the modern electric vehicle, because unlike the electric motorcycle that has two wheels or an electric car that has four wheels, but the Dynosphere vehicle has only one wheel. You may be wondering, how does one wheel vehicle can be driven?, the answer is the seat for the driver and the vehicle control system is located in the center of the tire.

While driving this vehicle, the user should be leaning to the side so the Dynosphere one wheel vehicle could turn directions, so maybe if we imagine these vehicles are less convenient in terms of directional control or in the face of bad weather.
This unique vehicle can only accommodate one passenger with a weight of 450 kilograms and comes in two model variants are powered by gasoline and electric models. Unfortunately, Dynosphere no longer developed and became historical evidence of the automotive industry, because in reality about 80 years ago has also created an electric vehicle, even with a very unique design.


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