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Easy Ways to Save Electricity Power at Home in order to More Efficiently

In this environmentally friendly era, it's time we realize the importance of saving electricity, because in addition to environmentally friendly at the same time will also save on household expenses, so it can be diverted to other needs. But unfortunately sometimes we are not aware if our habits perhaps wasteful electricity, so the electricity expenses to be ineffective.

Actually a lot of ways that we can be more electricity efficient, even these methods are also very simple for us to try. In this article I will share a little how to be more electricity efficient that may be useful to you, if you are interested to try it.

1. Better use CFL bulbs/flourescent, because if you use a CFL light bulbs is equivalent with 6-10 old model lamps. Make your home a lot of windows so in the daytime just use sunlight as a lighting so from morning until before dark just use sunlight as a lighting.

2. If you are a computer user, use it as effectively as possible. Computer will absorb the most energy when at the beginning turned on, and energy absorption will decrease, after using about half an hour later.

3. If you use a water pump in your home, enough once you turn on in the morning, and immediately fill your bathtub full of all to fit your needs. Or in other words do not fill the water tank but has not been fully and was turned off, and later in the day or evening you turn on the water pump again.

4. If your home uses a refrigerator, do not too frequent opening and closing your refrigerator, moreover open too long. Clean the frost so the fridge work more optimally. Do not include hot food in your refrigerator, because it will make it work harder and waste energy.

5. Do not get to sleep by watching TV or listening to music, of course, its useless and wasteful energy.

6. Do not leave electronic equipment in standby position, turn off and unplug the power switch. Although it requires little energy, but if you have a lot of electronic devices will be many and useless.

7. If using a dispenser or Water Heater would be better if its unplugged when not in use, because the heater would require a fairly large electrical energy.

8. Planting trees or other plants around the house so it will create a cool climate, so you will reduce the cost of air conditioning usage.

9. Another easy way is to select electronic devices are known to be more power efficient than others.

Of course there are many other ways, in addition to the above. So if you want to add please leave a comment below and hopefully useful.


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