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Spinach is being Developed as an Energy Source

Spinach is a vegetable that contains nutrients that are good for the human body, even a Popeye the sailorman really like to eat this vegetables to increase the power in order to defeat enemies. But did you believe in fact this vegetable can also produce electrical energy alternative, which is being developed by researchers at the  Vanderbuilt University.

Wooow this is really amazing, moreover currently the world was energy crisis so urgently needs alternative energy sources. This technology uses solar energy and combine among photosynthesis in spinach with silicon photovoltaic power, and will result in the conversion efficiency of solar energy into electrical energy reached nearly 100 percent. The protein level of efficiency is much better than human-made equipment that only 40%

In addition to high conversion efficiency, of course, another advantage of biohybrid cell is easy to get and the price is also very cheap, unlike other materials for microelectronic devices are expensive and rare as platinum or indium.
To make the spinach cells, the researchers from Vanderbuilt by way extract Photosystem 1(PS1) from spinach into a solution and give the mixture on the surface of a silicon wafer. Hopefully in the future this technology could soon be used for human life, so we can get the energy source is much cheaper, and one more thing is also more environmentally friendly.


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