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Powerbag-Bags as well as Battery Chargers

When we are traveling out of the house, we usually bring bags to carry items that we need. But how if we could carry bag which also can be used for charging gadgets batteries, certainly more practical and is suitable for those of you who have high mobility. Its like impossible but do not misunderstand because it had been able to do because of the presence of Powerbag.

Through this sophisticated bag now you do not have to worry about the battery problems that suddenly depleted, so for those of you who travel frequently is no need anymore a regular charger that requires electrical energy sources.

The Powerbag comes with 3 different design options such as backpack bag, slingbags, until the model suitcase with wheels. For the smallest bag equipped with a battery capacity of 3000mAh while most for the biggest models come with a battery capacity of 6000mAh. According to the capacity of the bag so it can be assumed, the smallest bag can be used to recharge the batteries twice while the large Powerbag can be used up to 4x rechargeable.

The Powerbag comes with multiple ports such as micro-USB port, mini-USB port and a USB port that can be used to connect a wide range of gadgets. Now you can travel not only carry the bag as a store of your goods, but also as battery chargers, and if you are interested, this magic bag was launched at prices of around U.S.$76 to U.S.$250.


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