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Zhejiang University Researchers Creates a Quadcopter that can be Controlled by the Mind

Do you remember the Xmen movie, there is a character who is able to control an object just by the power of the mind. It might be impossible to do and only in a film, but its not impossible for researchers from Zhejiang University in Hangzhou, China. Although not for all objects but the research team successfully developed a Quadcopter that can be controlled only by the mind.

This system has a name the FlyingBuddy2, which is a system that utilizes EEG headset (Emotiv Electroencephalography) to interpret brain activity and sends commands to the laptop that is connected via Bluetooth, and then the command is sent to the Quadcopter using a WiFi connection.

According to some sources, in addition to the mind, tooth movement can give the order to fall, whereas blinking the eyes ordered to take a photo using the camera on the Quadcopter. If the Quadcopter will be flown the user must think "left hard", think "right" to go, "push" to add height, and "left" to make it rotate clockwise.
Development of this system may be useful for individuals with limited motor function to interact, and researchers from the Zhejiang University also dreaming in the future might be able to fly a commercial aircraft using only the mind.

Based on multiple sources the FlyingBuddy2 system is planned to be exhibited in the Ubiquitous Computing Conference in Pittsburg, United States. And hopefully the development of this highly advanced technology can be implemented on devices that can help human life.


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