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Awesome, a Wastebasket Can Automatically Capture the Waste that We Throw (Smart Trashbox)

Did you ever imagine if one day there is a device that can automatically catch the waste that we throw away, this might just imagination, or may only exist in a movie that tells about the future that all life is assisted by the robot. But in fact this is already a reality because a Japanese Modder FRP inventors have designed a mobile trash basket, that can capture any trash that falls.

The name of this device is the Smart Trashbox and there are sources that say if the waste basket is the result of inspiration from the real life paper toss game. One things that also attracted the attention of the Smart Trashbox is utilizing the Kinect technology that we often encounter as an additional accessories for the Xbox 360, so it will recognize the movement, calculate the landing spot and move the basket to catch waste.

The system at Smart Trashbox can also measure and detect waste thrown into the air, so able to position itself appropriately when garbage will fall. Imagine if one day this device or other similar device, it can be owned by many people around the world, hopefully we can take the positive side, so we do not become lazy to dispose of trash.
Maybe if the Smart Trashbox can already be implemented outdoors, it may be very suitable placed in parks, on sidewalks roads, schools, or other public places. So if one day there are people who really hurry to get to where the activity and unconsciously throw garbage on the road, then this device will be very helpful in keeping the cleanliness in public places. How is your opinion?
Please see the video below for more details (source from Youtube)


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