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Olympus MEG4.0-Smart Glasses with AR Technology

May be advanced eyewear trends, with features Augmented Reality (AR) technology will be increasingly in demand. After many media report about the Google Project Glass which was introduced at the Google I/O, now there is also a similar device that comes from Olympus through a new prototype device called the MEG4.0.

As we know Olympus more famous of camera devices, and according to some sources although Google first introduced the smart glasses, but Olympus actually quite a long time has developed this sophisticated eyewear.

This smart glasses can be connected to other devices such as smartphones or tablet via bluetooth, and has a screen (or monitor on the glass) with a QVGA resolution of 320 × 240 pixels. Olympus also uses a technology of their own creation called the proprietary optical technology, an accelerometerwho will read the user's head movement, and intermittent display feature that will change the mode every 3 minutes for 15 seconds.

The Olympus MEG4.0 battery can be used for 8 hours on a single charge, but unfortunately for detailed specs, price and release date are still unknown, so we are waiting for further information, until this sophisticated device actually launched.

As an additional note for those of you who do not know what is Augmented Reality, this technology is the information provided in real-time by a computer based on the feedback received from the environment around us.

For example, if we look at a building and we had a camera with AR technology, then we can turn on the camera, show the building on the screen, and at that moment (real-time) information about the building that appears on the screen.


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