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Chewing Gum Battery-Battery Charger Concept that is Very Practical and Environmentally Friendly

When we were on vacation at the beach or climbing a mountain, its more pleasing if we bring the gadget as an entertainment media. But when we're busy with our gadgets would be very annoying if the battery runs out, and as we all know when in the vacation place sometimes its difficult to find a power source to recharge the gadget.

This is already a common problem for users gadget, so many different kinds of charger created by various vendors to resolve it. But for this concept is really cool charger, because it is so unique, easy and practical. This charger concept has a name the Chewing Gum Battery created by the Ping-Yi Lin, and will present a concept rechargeable cordless battery for a single use, which can be used anywhere anytime.

This concept basically there is a battery charging station with solar energy and there is a kind of paper(RFID paper batteries) that can be used to recharge gadgets. How to use is also very easy, users simply open the package, and then stick it in the back of the body gadget, and wait until the battery power is owned the paper transferred perfectly to your gadget.

But unfortunately this is still a concept, hopefully later this charger can actually be realized, so we all as gadget users who often vacationed in the area that is difficult to get a power source, can easily recharge it if we run out of battery power. And one more thing, this device is also environmentally friendly because after use, this paper can be thrown in the accompanying recycling bin.


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