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Eliodomestico-Convert Sea Water into Clean Water That Can be Consumed

In this world there are many specific areas that are very difficult to find clean water, even in areas of the coast there are a lot of salty water that can not be consumed sometimes also difficult to find fresh water that can be used. So that it becomes a drought that resulted in suffering people who really need help.

In the midst of a disaster like this there is a designer who has a name the Gabriele Diamanti, creates a very brilliant innovation by creating a tool that can convert sea water into fresh water that can be consumed. This device is the Eliodomestico, similar to a furnace and able to turn sea water into fresh water with the help of sunlight.

At the top of the Eliodomestico there is a ceramic solar, that is a place to accommodate the sea water made of ceramic material, then the user should put this device under the sun and will make sea water in it will evaporate and then will produce clean water. The water results from the Eliodomestico will trickle down and be accommodated in a special pot, and now the water can be consumed.

Based on several sources the Eliodomestico claimed able to produce 5 liters of water per day, interestingly to have it only need to pay around $50. Hopefully in the future this device is easy to obtain, because so many of our brothers in this world that are still difficult to get clean water, so really need this device.


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